Mark presented a standard coding interview question: write code that permutes the characters in a string. The R one-liner isn't nearly as concise as I would have hoped, but then R isn't really known for string manipulation.
> str_permute <- function(x){ paste(strsplit(x, split="")[[1]][ sample( 1:(nchar(x)), nchar(x) ) ], collapse="") } > str_permute("abcdefghijk") [1] "jcakeifhbdg" >
Not seeing a preview button.... well, let's see what this looks like.
Perhaps another bug....
When I navigate to 0,0 using the text box I reach "circle on/but artless is the earth." When I hit the up arrow, I'm transported to coordinate 245:297, or 237:295, or 242:295, or.... After that, arrow navigation behaves …
@Leonardo.Flores : You might have noticed how much simpler captchas have gotten --- some now just have a checkbox next to the text "I am not a robot." It's trivial to write code that will automatically check that box. What the captcha are looking…
Hi @joncorbett
For example, I am trying to get the program to be considered as a whole unit not just a collection of linear or progressive commands, which is why morphemic programming is such a challenge, because existing programming framework…
@James.Larkby-Lahet : Yes, leaky abstractions are very relevant here. I'm reluctant to say that debugging is simply the art of useful depunctualization, but I'm having a really difficult time coming up with a nontrivial example where that isn't th…
@Mace.Ojala : I really like the "extension" metaphor, and it works perfectly for interpreted programs and frameworks. I've been trying to puzzle out whether it works as well for the operating system being and extension of the firmware, a shell bei…
@meredith.noelle : Great minds think alike. (See the first line below my TL;DR.)
Once upon a workshop I was discussing the quirks of the ParaDiS dislocation simulation (think of it as a crack propagation simulation for materials science) with m…
Those of us not in academic circles, but who create, edit, revise and otherwise interact with code every day, would find great value in analyzing our work through this particular lens. What role can CCS play in the lives of working …
I'm curious as to the origin of "Master/Slave" in this technical context. Were these terms (in regard to code) coined in the US? Are they originally from English?
A quick search of in Google Books turns up the follow…
I'll see your /usr/bin/yes and raise you a /bin/true. It's also useful in scripts and does even less than yes. What makes it interesting (to me at least) is how overengineered the GNU version has become over the years: true.c. There ar…
How does other criticism handle [implied, misleading, ironic code]? (This is a genuine question, not a rhetorical one.)
Speaking first to implied code: Reaching back to my theater degree, Bernard Beckerman's approach was to enca…
@jeremydouglass, @nickm : The idea of null programs are interesting in their own right, but I think I may have buried my lede in my description. The larger point is that there's a substantial amount of code being executed, from libraries to systems…
Barry Rountree, Computer Scientist, LLNL. Not speaking for my employer. He/him/his.
Bill Condee (Ohio University) and I have been exploring what we call Nonmaterial Performance, a critical approach to code that draws on actor-network theory, vi…