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Participants: Derya Akbaba * Ben Allen * Natalia-Rozalia Avlona * Kirill Azernyi * Erin Kathleen Bahl * Natasha Bajc * Lucas Bang * Tully Barnett * Ivette Bayo * Eamonn Bell * John Bell * kiki benzon * Liat Berdugo * Kathi Berens * David Berry * Jeffrey Binder * Philip Borenstein * Gregory Bringman * Sophia Brueckner * Iris Bull * Zara Burton * Evan Buswell * Ashleigh Cassemere-Stanfield * Brooke Cheng* Alm Chung * Jordan Clapper * Lia Coleman * Imani Cooper * David Cuartielles * Edward de Jong * Pierre Depaz * James Dobson * Quinn Dombrowski * Amanda Du Preez * Tristan Espinoza * Emily Esten * Meredith Finkelstein * Caitlin Fisher * Luke Fischbeck * Leonardo Flores * Laura Foster * Federica Frabetti * Jorge Franco * Dargan Frierson * Arianna Gass * Marshall Gillson * Jan Grant * Rosi Grillmair * Ben Grosser * E.L. (Eloisa) Guerrero * Yan Guo * Saksham Gupta * Juan Gutierrez * Gottfried Haider * Nabil Hassein * Chengbo He * Brian Heim * Alexis Herrera * Paul Hertz * shawné michaelain holloway * Stefka Hristova * Simon Hutchinson * Mai Ibrahim * Bryce Jackson * Matt James * Joey Jones * Masood Kamandy * Steve Klabnik * Goda Klumbyte * Rebecca Koeser * achim koh * Julia Kott * James Larkby-Lahet * Milton Laufer * Ryan Leach * Clarissa Lee * Zizi Li * Lilian Liang * Keara Lightning * Chris Lindgren * Xiao Liu * Paloma Lopez * Tina Lumbis * Ana Malagon * Allie Martin * Angelica Martinez * Alex McLean * Chandler McWilliams * Sedaghat Payam Mehdy * Chelsea Miya * Uttamasha Monjoree * Nick Montfort * Stephanie Morillo * Ronald Morrison * Anna Nacher * Maxwell Neely-Cohen * Gutierrez Nicholaus * David Nunez * Jooyoung Oh * Mace Ojala * Alexi Orchard * Steven Oscherwitz * Bomani Oseni McClendon * Kirsten Ostherr * Julia Polyck-O'Neill * Andrew Plotkin * Preeti Raghunath * Nupoor Ranade * Neha Ravella * Amit Ray * David Rieder * Omar Rizwan * Barry Rountree * Jamal Russell * Andy Rutkowski * samara sallam * Mark Sample * Zehra Sayed * Kalila Shapiro * Renee Shelby * Po-Jen Shih * Nick Silcox * Patricia Silva * Lyle Skains * Winnie Soon * Claire Stanford * Samara Hayley Steele * Morillo Stephanie * Brasanac Tea * Denise Thwaites * Yiyu Tian * Lesia Tkacz * Fereshteh Toosi * Alejandra Trejo Rodriguez * Álvaro Triana * Job van der Zwan * Frances Van Scoy * Dan Verständig * Roshan Vid * Yohanna Waliya * Sam Walkow * Kuan Wang * Laurie Waxman * Jacque Wernimont * Jessica Westbrook * Zach Whalen * Shelby Wilson * Avery J. Wiscomb * Grant Wythoff * Cy X * Hamed Yaghoobian * Katherine Ye * Jia Yu * Nikoleta Zampaki * Bret Zawilski * Jared Zeiders * Kevin Zhang * Jessica Zhou * Shuxuan Zhou

Guests: Kayla Adams * Sophia Beall * Daisy Bell * Hope Carpenter * Dimitrios Chavouzis * Esha Chekuri * Tucker Craig * Alec Fisher * Abigail Floyd * Thomas Forman * Emily Fuesler * Luke Greenwood * Jose Guaraco * Angelina Gurrola * Chandler Guzman * Max Li * Dede Louis * Caroline Macaulay * Natasha Mandi * Joseph Masters * Madeleine Page * Mahira Raihan * Emily Redler * Samuel Slattery * Lucy Smith * Tim Smith * Danielle Takahashi * Jarman Taylor * Alto Tutar * Savanna Vest * Ariana Wasret * Kristin Wong * Helen Yang * Katherine Yang * Renee Ye * Kris Yuan * Mei Zhang
Coordinated by Mark Marino (USC), Jeremy Douglass (UCSB), and Zach Mann (USC). Sponsored by the Humanities and Critical Code Studies Lab (USC), and the Digital Arts and Humanities Commons (UCSB).

Publication Opportunity: DHQ Minimal Computing (Jan 30)

edited February 2020 in 2020 General

CCSWG participants should consider submitting an abstract to the special issue of Digital Humanities Quarterly on Minimal Computing. The call covers many of the topics we discuss here and is being edited by past participants Roopika Risam and Alex Gil. DHQ is one of the most preeminent open access journals in the digital humanities and has printed important articles in CriticalCode Studies. See the call below:

Calls for Proposals
Print Guidelines

Digital Humanities Quarterly Special Issue on Minimal Computing
Guest editors: Alex Gil (Columbia University Libraries) and Roopika Risam (Salem State University)

Abstracts due January 30, 2020

Special Issue Description

This special issue of Digital Humanities Quarterly will bring together essays and case studies on the promises and limitations of minimal computing from historical, practical, and theoretical perspectives, as well as within the context of specific research projects and their environments.

Minimal computing can be defined as any form of digital or computational praxis done under some set of significant constraints of hardware, software, education, network capacity, power, agency or other factors. Within the context of digital humanities scholarship, minimal computing refers to such computing practices used for teaching, research, and the construction and maintenance of a hybrid -- digital and analog -- scholarly and cultural record.

Broadly construed, our scope is not limited to digital scholarship within the confines of universities and thus includes work undertaken in galleries, archives (institution and community-based), and libraries, as well as in collaboration with communities. In this issue, we strive for equity in gender and particularly encourage submission by women and gender minorities. We further actively seek to include at least one contribution from each of the following geographical areas: Latin America, Africa, and Asia. We are able to accept submissions in English, French, Portuguese, and Spanish.

Suggested Topics
Topics can include but are not limited to:

  • Minimal hardware: aged machines, USBs, arduinos, simple circuits, etc.
  • Minimal computation: simple scripts, bash, tranductions, etc.
  • Static site generation
  • Teaching fundamentals of computing tied to subjects in the humanities and the humanistic social sciences
  • Forms of making-do in relation to computation: jugaad, hacktivism, DIY
  • Technological disobedience, i.e. using technologies in a way they were not intended
  • Marginal forms of knowledge and memory production involving computation
  • A critique of minimal or minimalist approaches undertaken by choice, rather than by necessity
  • Genealogies of minimalist forms of computation
  • Case studies on projects that address a multiplicity of costs (environment, bandwidth, access, maintenance, etc) and needs (publishing, remembrance, resistance, etc) with an overall reduction in complexity
  • Implications of minimal computing practices for universities, libraries and archives.

Submission Formats

The special issue will consist of two sections: The first section will be reserved for scholarly arguments grounded in history or well argued theoretical work on minimal computing, and the second section will include case studies in the form of specific projects or deep descriptions of environments that pose particular challenges or constraints for digital scholarship and strategic responses to them that incorporate minimal computing practices.

In the first section, we welcome historical perspectives on minimal computing that place contemporary practices in dialogue with multiple documented genealogies; theoretical or strategic pieces that examine socio-technical implications of these practices at scale today; and critical or skeptical voices who are familiar with the implications of minimal computing and the informal discussions and practices that have taken place in the recent past.

For the second section we welcome deep descriptions of projects and environments that include, extend, and complicate minimal computing practices, prompting meditations on difference and imperfect similarity between multiple projects or environments. These case studies should help mainstream audiences understand the granular thinking behind design decisions that respond to specific constraints and challenges.

Submission Details

We ask that you send your abstracts (max. 500 words) to and by January 30, 2020 for a first round of review. Early inquiries are encouraged. We will notify all submitters of the status of their submission in late February. If you are invited to submit a full-length article (~4,000-8,000 words) or a case study (~2500 words), we ask that they be submitted by June 30, 2020.


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